DietPlan Transformation stories
Mrs S. Kapoor is a mother of one child and She was Dentist by Profession.
Post Delivery she started put on weight, In spite of Zumba and Yoga She was not able to reduce Weight. She was too much disappointed as she was not able to reduce her weight with Exercises, Her husband suggested Dr Sonal Kolte’s DietPlan Weight Loss Expert and Diet Clinic He reduces 11 kg weight with NutriChief.
Mrs S. Kapoor was on 76 kgs when she started her weight loss journey and today she is on 65 kgs in just 2 month.
When Mrs S. Kapoor came to know about
Dr Sonal’s You Tube Channel that is Food Talk by Dr Sonal Kolte and She Started watching all Videos about food and Nutrition, and following so on and her body transformation starts and she found very good lifestyle and healthy body.
Mrs S. Kapoor Likes the way of taking follow up, personal attention and solving the food related things on day to day basis.
The constant guidance and support provided by the NutriChief
helped Mrs S. Kapoor to stick to her fitness goal and not give up !
“ NutriChief helped me to utilize my time to stay fit during the pandemic.”
A controlled diet and exercise have become her daily habits now.