+ 91 9860109206 sonilesh11@gmail.com

IVF Ke Liye Weigth Loss

नमस्कार एक दिन क्लीनिक एक औरत का कॉल आया । वह वेटलॉस के बारे मे जाना चाहते थे । ऐसे रोज दस कॉल मुझे आते है लेकिन कॉल पर बात करने वाली महिला मुझे stressed लग रही थी। मेने उन्हे क्लीनिक मे आने की सलाह दी । अगले दिन सुबह निर्धारित समय पर वह क्लिनिक पंहुची। पुरे check up…

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Deepika Padukone Dimple Story…  (Due to privacy policy we blur the image.)  Hello Friends, One Sunny Moring When I entered in my clinic, I saw a beautiful girl (All Girls are very beautiful) with few Kgs extra ( Around 80 to 95 her weight ) sitting in my Clinic and waiting for her Diet counselling. She entered inside the…

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Diet, Nutrition and Weight Loss

 Hello    I The Founder of NutriChief,  A Diet And weight Loss Clinic at Achraj Tower,  sadar, Nagpur. A healthy diet is Essential for good Health and Nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential…

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